Are you living in Faith or Fear?
If you are self employed or in sales, you know what it is like to be fearful of when and where your next sale (thus pay) is coming from. You have a choice, to live fearfully in a life of frugality, or faithfully in a life of abundance. When your last bit of funds is getting really low, it is so easy to focus on the lack, or what you don’t have. But think about this: do birds or dogs worry about their next meal? No, they live joyfully in the moment, in anticipation that their next meal will be provided for them, and it most always is!
Worrying is just praying for what you don’t want, and remember, you get what you focus on! Did you know that wanting something means you believe you don’t have it? So, if you continue to want, you may never get it. Instead, try recognizing what you don’t have yet by giving thanks, in advance, of receiving it.
The Principles of Abundance share:
Most of our suffering is not centered in the present, but arises from worry from a fear of possible future anguish that might be too much to bear. Remember, nothing real can be threatened and love is all encompassing; therefore fear is merely an illusion. At times, your risistance to events could be due to fear which has paralyzed you into inaction. Focus on what you DO want and focus on faith, not fear. “You are a master of your destiny or a salave to your fears.” What you think about, you bring about. Instead of focusing on war, focus on peace.
“Today I will focus on my limitless possibilities.”