God gave each of us unique and different gifts. Are you living up to your potential by using yours?
Have you thought about your destiny or purpose here? We are not created just to exist. We are created to excel to our fullest potential. Are you sharing your gifts and talents and living to your highest possibility or destiny, or have you made excuses, settled for less, accepted defeat, dysfunction or mediocrity?
The time has come for you to make no more excuses. God created you to break through the barriers and live a life of possibility. You have a choice. This is your life, not a dress rehearsal, and you may not get another chance. Now is the best time to take action. Although the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today. Decide you are going to fulfill your destiny by identifying what gifts or talents you’d like to share with the world today, and take action to begin. After all, the Grand Canyon was formed years after a series of small drips, not in one day with a giant flood. Take that first drip/step today to create a possibility life and fulfill your destiny. Expect God’s favor, blessings, goodness, abundance and it will come but it’s up to you to take the first step in taking action.